Project name Short description Alps and the Carpathians. It strengthens the conservation management for the protected areas along the Alpine Carpathian Corridor and the neighboring habitats. Migration and genetic exchange among wildlife populations in the Centrope region shall 53.84 Kb. 1
Project information document (pid) concept stage Yet it also possesses a notable portfolio of rich and diverse experiences with which to face the challenges of biodiversity conservation, sustainable use and benefit sharing 51.99 Kb. 1
Vacation Scholarships The 2016/17 Vacation Scholarship Program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to work on real-world problems in a leading R&D organisation 148.89 Kb. 1
Page of Android Bluetooth Controlled rgb led mood Light We can provide the rgb led sign board controllers using Smart android mobile phone. The proposed automation technique is very innovative and well advanced one 10.89 Kb. 1
Android Wi-Fi controlled intelligent Robot The project aims at designing a Robot which is controlled through Android phone over Wi-Fi technology. The Robot can be moved in all the four directions 8.8 Kb. 1
Android operated Fire Fighting vehicle The project aims in designing a robot which is capable of detecting a Fire in its path and extinguishes. The robot is designed such capable of control using Bluetooth technology. User can operate the Robo wirelessly as well as fire 9.62 Kb. 1
Page of Android Smart Phone operated Weighing Machine Shops through Android mobile phone possible. The controlling of Weighting machineis done wirelessly through Android smart phone using the Bluetooth feature present in it 11.27 Kb. 1
Ontological Justification: From Appearance to Reality I believe, which would make the ontologist’s approach to her subject-matter more like that of the natural scientist’s approach to hers; a more limited view on the arguments available to anyone intent on comparing explanatorily equivalent 32.57 Kb. 1
Professor d. S. O. Osiru department of crop science makerere university Like the rest of the Kagera basin, the Uganda component is endowed with some of the most favourable conditions for agricultural production. The favourable conditions have given rise to relatively high carrying capacity for both human and 61.81 Kb. 1
Examples of Linkage Projects commencing in 2014 Queensland (qld) research organisations will receive more than $17. 6 million through the Australian Research Council Linkage Projects scheme for 49 new research projects commencing in 2014 17.03 Kb. 1
E-leader, Slovakia 2006 It also explores the area of the k-12 curriculum and describes how distance education is revolutionizing this learning environment. Finally, the paper will discuss current practices used to train future educators for teaching at a distance 45.08 Kb. 1
Spatial Knowledge Discovery: The spin! System Bayesian statistics, esp. Markov Chain Monte Carlo, to spatial data analysis. The state of the art in gis will be advanced by developing new methods for the visualization of spatial and temporal information 40.96 Kb. 1